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Water resilience high on the European agenda with a special portfolio for the Swedish commissioner

Vewin Jessika Roswall ANP 503058634

On September 17, Ursula von der Leyen announced the 26 candidate European Commissioners, along with their designated portfolios. Notably, there will be a commissioner for environment, water resilience, and a competitive circular economy. The Swedish commissioner, Jessika Roswall, will take the lead on these issues.

Shortly after the European elections, it became clear that the European Commission aims to take action on water resilience and climate adaptation. This intention has now been solidified with the appointment of a commissioner explicitly dedicated to this area. This marks a significant step, as it’s the first time a European commissioner will focus specifically on water resilience.

Water takes center stage on Europe’s political agenda

Roswall will play a key role in advancing the Water Resilience Initiative, which is critical for prioritizing water management and resilience in Europe. This initiative will support the development of a comprehensive and ambitious water strategy that addresses the challenges of climate change, water availability, and water quality.
Vewin, along with the European umbrella organization EurEau, will submit proposals to help shape new European Commission initiatives on water resilience. Vewin welcomes the fact that water is gaining a higher profile on the European political agenda.

First, approval by the European Parliament

In the coming weeks, the commissioners will be heard by the European Parliament. They must secure a majority before the new commission can officially begin its work.

Alexander van den Honert

Stuurgroepsecretaris Doelmatigheid, Transparantie & Waterketen

070 349 08 55


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